Welcome to TeleFictionary, a Great Old Game!


What's the purpose of this blog?
To share!  To share the hilarity of the game, to share some examples of games we've played.  And to give you a place to share your games.

Why didn't you call this "Telepictionary"?
First, we wanted to avoid a Cease & Desist letter from Hasbro, the makers of Pictionary.  Second, it turns out that some folks already beat us to the idea of sharing the hilarity of this game.  They created Telepictionary.

Well, if Telepictionary already exists, why did you make TeleFictionary?
The more the merrier?  Actually, Telepictionary is still under construction.  At the moment (5/11/2010), you cannot contact them to contribute your own games.  So we figured we'd go ahead and start sharing ours and allowing you to share yours.  Please visit both sites!  This is not a competition.  Telepictionary already has an archive of some hilarious games.

So what is the game called?  Telepictionary or Telefictionary?
In all honesty, we called it "telepictionary" before we decided to make this blog.  We're not trying to tell you how to say it; we're just sharing how to play it.  (But we do think "TeleFictionary" is pretty clever.)

Aren't there more frequently asked questions?
No, we just started this blog.  Head over to the "Contact Us" page and start asking questions!  One instance of a question is enough to qualify as "frequent" at this point, relatively speaking.  We also don't want to be too rigid in any of the gameplay rules.  It's a casual, fun game that is flexible enough to adapt to different circumstances.