Welcome to TeleFictionary, a Great Old Game!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TeleFictionary and the Festival of Lights

I had some folks over for a Chanukah celebration last week. As a result, the apartment smells like latkes. But more importantly, I had a new stack of TeleFictionary papers to scan!

We started off as a group of five, but a couple of stragglers joined us later in the evening, bumping us up to seven. Included in the mix were a couple of non-native English speakers, at varying levels, which added an extra, welcome element of interpretation.

A great night with some great results, which you can see after the jump, along with a shout-out to our friend Meli, who wasn't able to join us. Click on the pictures to enlarge them if you find yourself squinting.  (FYI, a couple of the rounds are a little NSFW).

But first, it appears that the War on Christmas continues to rage:
Hi Meli! We missed you!

Truth in, truth out:

"just chillin' like I'm illin'." Seriously, if I ever look like this when I say I'm chilling on the couch, please take me to a hospital:

It being Chanukah and all, Judaism was a recurring theme. Here are a trio of recurrences:



This is the most beautiful landscape I've seen in a game of TeleFictionary. I am considering moving it to the front page....

Thinking a lot can get you wealth or food, but not love.

The sentence in the middle is one of my all-time favorites:

This one actually makes more sense if you put the first and last sentences together and skip the middle:


And finally, last but absolutely not least, from the artist behind the beautiful Pacific coastal landscape, the most...artful...anatomical depiction I've seen in a game of TeleFictionary:

Thanks again, everyone, for a wonderful Chanukah evening!

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